How Will You #ChooseToChallenge

It’s great to be a woman today.

When compared to a time not too long ago when women weren’t allowed to vote, own property, or even wear a pair of pants, women now are empowered, emboldened, enlightened, and seemingly unstoppable -- for the most part.

While it may be easy to call out blatantly sexist remarks and behaviours, when it comes to subtle, complex, and nuanced sexism that is deeply rooted in cultural and social norms, the matter gets muddied.

This year’s International Women’s Day theme is #ChooseToChallenge – a rally to call out and guard against discrimination against women – is particularly apt. We ask, how do you call out sexism in the face of unconscious gender bias? 

What is Unconscious Gender Bias

Unconscious gender biases are unintentional automatic and often unfair mental associations based on gender stemming from traditions, norms, values, cultures, and experiences. The language that represents them is often tossed around, unchecked, in casual conversation without much thought because it has been coded into our social language.

Consider this statement:

Women do not understand cars and need a man’s assistance when purchasing one or dealing with a mechanic.

Take note of your reaction. Did you process it as fact, or opinion?

How is it a Problem?

Because automatic associations feed into decision-making, enabling a quick assessment of an individual according to gender and gender stereotypes, they often perpetuate discrimination or oversight, even when one is not aware.

For example, two candidates with near-identical resumes full of stellar recommendations from ex-colleagues and bosses apply for the same job. The role is a work-from-home position in light of the pandemic. The woman is well-spoken and confident about her achievements, the man articulates his accomplishments self-assuredly.

HR opts to hire the man citing the fact that they are looking for a strong communicator, and someone less likely to have to juggle the main caregiver role at home.

What Can You Do About it?

While family-friendly workplaces, equal pay policies, and having a supportive partner are crucial to uplifting women and recognising female contribution, it is up to all of us to continuously challenge the deeply-rooted biases about gender roles and norms and address them. Here’s how you can start:

1. Take the time and effort to unpack your own unconscious gender biases you may not even be aware of.

Consider these:

  • Do you speak differently to your male and female colleagues? 

  • Do you expect your spouse to assume gender-specific roles at home?

  • Do you have different rules for your children dependent on their gender?

  • Do you laugh at seemingly innocuous gender-norm jokes and comments?

2. Understand the difference between gender equity and gender equality.

Gender equality means both men and women are given the same resources or opportunities. Equity recognizes that each person has different circumstances and allocates the exact resources and opportunities needed to reach an equal outcome. Equity leads to equality.

3. Identify sexism in the media and advertising.

We are constantly processing what we see on our screens and subconsciously internalising it in such a way that it could impact our perceptions. Being able to recognise gender stereotyping in the media will allow you to be better aware of similar sexist situations at work or at home.

4. Unlearn socially conditioned language and devaluing terminology. Teach yourself to speak in more gender-inclusive ways.

How familiar are the following two scenarios:

  • Greeting a mixed-group with, “Hey guys!”

  • Calling a grown woman, “girl.”

5. Start speaking up about everyday sexism.

It’s not about finding offence in every daily interaction but about patiently re-educating ourselves, and in turn, other people, when we identify sexism.

6. Pay attention to women’s voices. Allow them to speak up about their own experiences.

Take note of the number of times men interrupt or talk over women in meetings. #MeToo, #IAmNotOkay, and even #ChooseToChallenge are all about amplifying marginalised voices and speaking up about injustice.

7. Keep going.

When you #ChooseToChallenge discrimination, even if it is just your own gender bias, you create space to move towards a more gender-inclusive and supportive future. This allows for healthier mindsets at home and at the workplace.

Happy International Women’s Day.


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